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CMS Blanket Reimbursements for Telemedicine

CMS Blanket Reimbursements for Telemedicine

During the coronavirus pandemic, telemedicine and telehealth services are a safe, convenient way to continue to serve patients even in the era of social distancing. With the right software it can be easy-to-access, and it can save time and effort on the part of both the provider and the patient. However, coding and charging for telehealth service can sometimes become complicated.

Recently, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services have expanded coverage for telehealth services. The CMS has also emphasized that these services will be reimbursed at the same rate as they would have been if the visits were in-person.


  • Newly-covered services include emergency department visits, initial and discharge visits for a nursing facility, and home visits.
  • Added audio-only telehealth calls for particular visits.
  • Healthcare providers can implement remote monitoring procedures for patients who need it.
  • Special considerations are given to pediatric patients.


CMS is encouraging individual states and providers to consider new ways to add telehealth services during this time. It also offers a safe way for senior living residents and their friends and families to stay connected!

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Ways to Use Telehealth

  • Telehealth allows providers to observe their patients and continue to see them as they usually would in the office.
  • It can be a form of triage to see if patients really do need to come to see you for an in-person visit.
  • You can check on patients who are highly at risk during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Specialists can use it to see patients who have been admitted to the hospital without needing to actually go to their room. Instead, they have a nurse or other provider in the room to do any physical checks needed, and the specialist observes and makes their recommendations remotely.


Bringing Telehealth to Your Facility

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If you haven’t implemented a telehealth program in your hospital, now may be the time to do so. There are many options that vary in complexity. If you’re looking for an easy-to-use solution, consider the Telehealth Cart for Teleray, brought to you by PDi. Built with our 19” touchscreen hospital display that’s UL-listed and has an integrated camera and microphone, this is a no-fuss and hassle-free solution for staff.

During the coronavirus pandemic and beyond, your facility needs simple, portable telemedicine that is easy to implement by hospital staff. Built for infection control and integrated with HIPAA-compliant Teleray software, you can provide your patients with a safe, intuitive telehealth option.

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