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3 min read

How SDOH Influence Community Health & Wellness

Health is a fundamental aspect of human life. It affects our ability to work, learn, and thrive as individuals and as communities. However, health is not solely determined by individual behaviors and choices. Several socioeconomic factors, commonly...

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Wheat in rural community

3 min read

Healing the Heartland: Rural Medicine in Focus

Access to quality healthcare is a basic human right, but unfortunately, for many individuals living in rural areas, receiving timely and ongoing...

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4 min read

Using AI to Write Blog Posts: A Review

Recently, AI tools like ChatGPT and Bard have received a lot of media attention because of their intuitive and high-speed capabilities. With it being...

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1 min read

PDi’s Sustainable Solutions for Environmental Responsibility

As the world becomes increasingly aware of the impact that our actions have on the environment, it’s crucial that every industry takes steps to...

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2 min read

5 Reasons PDi is a Great Place to Work

PDi offers an exceptional workplace for employees looking to grow and thrive in their careers. With a culture that values collaboration, innovation,...

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Patient using IPTV streaming apps

2 min read

Transitioning to IPTV: A Q&A for Healthcare Facilities

Over the course of the last few months, many healthcare facilities have been notified that their cable companies will no longer provide traditional...

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Woman receiving medical care though Telehealth

4 min read

The Rise of Telehealth: A New Era of Healthcare Delivery

Since the emergence of Covid-19, Telehealth services have seen rapid expansion. The pandemic completely transformed the way medical services are...

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Hacker breaking into healthcare network

3 min read

Healthcare Data Security: Overview, Risks, and Solutions

In a digitized world, cyberattacks against healthcare organizations are becoming more and more widespread. As hackers become skilled at infiltrating...

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3 min read

How Patient Engagement Software is Transforming Healthcare

One of the biggest challenges facing healthcare providers today is keeping patients engaged in their healthcare. After all, without proper...

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3 min read

Cloud-Managed Services to Improve Healthcare Efficiency

As the digital world booms, cloud-managed services have emerged as a powerful tool to streamline operations. Touting benefits such as reduced costs,...

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nurses needed

3 min read

Solutions to Alleviate the Nursing Shortage in Your Hospital

Still reeling from the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, and struggling to manage a surge of patients due to an aging population, US hospitals are...

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2 min read

Will the Debt Ceiling Crisis Impact US Healthcare Providers?

On Thursday, January 19, the US federal government reached its debt ceiling of $31.4 trillion. With the House and Senate politically divided, the...

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