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Taking the patient experience to new heights.

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3 min read

Did You Know…PDi Style!

As part of our 40th Anniversary celebration, we’re launching a special series of blogs throughout 2020. Each month you’ll see insights from a different member of the PDi team. Our goal is to bring you more fully into the PDi family. Our third in...

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3 min read

Hospital TVs Improve the Patient Experience

Do you subscribe to and enjoy cable or satellite TV at home? Do you use a Smart TV or a home DVD or Blu-Ray Player for extra entertainment? Do you...

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2 min read

Exploring PDi's Mission and Values

As part of our 40th Anniversary celebration, we’re launching a special series of blogs throughout 2020. Each month you’ll see insights from a...

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Expanding Safety and DIRECTV® Entertainment for Patients

It’s no secret that the patient television is the unofficial lifeline in the healthcare space. Sure, patients are often connected to truly...

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3 min read

What Sets PDi Apart?

As part of our 40th Anniversary celebration, we’re launching a special series of blogs throughout 2020. Each month you’ll see insights from a...

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2 min read

Improve Patient Experience with Home-like Technology

Healthcare experiences can feel overwhelming. Most patients seek comfort. This comfort can come from reassuring actions from the clinical staff, or...

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2 min read

How Smart Tech Trends Will Impact Healthcare Technology

It can be so easy to think of healthcare technology trends as separate from consumer trends. After all, healthcare technology has its own set of...

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2 min read

Chair TVs Elevate the Person-Centered Care Experience

The best healthcare experience comes from putting people first.

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2 min read

Personal Technology Improves the Standard of Care in Small Spaces

Nowadays most people expect to have access to technology at any time. With the prevalence of cell phones, tablets and other devices, we’re constantly...

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Couple of doctors talking and using a tablet computer

2 min read

4 Ways Healthcare Workers Can Improve Patient Communication

Healthcare workers looking to improve patient communication are paving the way to the future in the healthcare industry. They are adopters of...

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4 min read

How to Choose a Broadcasting Signal for Healthcare

Having a hospital television in a patient room is often seen as something that creates a more home-like feel in a healthcare setting, but it’s...

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1000 arm Oil

3 min read

Arm Maintenance: What You Really Need to Know for Smooth Arm Operation

PDi arms have served facilities and their patients for nearly 40 years. It’s one of the reasons PDi is known as an industry leader in the healthcare...

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