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Seismic-safe OSHPD/HCAI Approved Patient TVs


US-based PDi is the only OPM Approved complete personal patient TV supplier.


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Download Our OSHPD/HCAI Certifications

Save time, trust PDi.


Partner with PDi for OPM-Approved solutions to keep your status under a grandfather clause for renovation projects. 

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CP Employee Photo Collage web 1900x760 Revised


OSHPD Approved

PDi Smart TV Touchscreen Patient Tablets

GENiO customizable software and bleach-cleanable for infection control


OSHPD Approved

PDi Patient TVs

Pro:Idiom® Healthcare TVs designed for easy setup

OSHPD Approved

PDi Arms

Built for patient comfort and safety


OSHPD Approved

Arm Mounts

Proven safe and secure solutions by US leader PDi

FloorMount_EmmaChinaDemo 2

48" Floor Mount

P16TV Arm and 179AV w BackerPlate 9x7 2

Reinforcing Plates

Designs for new or renovation projects

Not sure where to start?

Many of our customers prefer a hands-on demo with our team. We will walk you through the equipment, software, and installation questions you have. Request your demo now!

We are with you every step of the way.

Request A Demo