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TV Solutions for
Hospitals, Dialysis & Clinics, Post-Acute Rehab, Senior Living, Surgery Centers, OSHPD Certified, Telehealth

Over 40 years of healthcare focus in the USA

Every facility. Every room. Every step of the patient experience.

PDi strives to provide the best quality television products with the most efficiency for the healthcare industry. That's why we are the only complete healthcare-grade solution on the market.

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CP medTV14-In Hospital 2017 web 2000x1333

We work closely with VA Hospitals

There are many factors that contribute to the comfort and care of our veterans. We pride ourselves in being a US-based manufacturer, and working with our heroes gives us great pride in our work. 

Explore VA Solutions

picture of the American flag with wavy texture-1


Deliver a better inpatient hospital experience

Hospital TVs

LR A-Series in a hospital room with MyChart screenshot 6 tile

Dialysis & Clinics

Engage patients at dialysis, infusion, and treatment centers

Clinic Solutions

Clinic Arm Systems by PDi w Purple Chairs

Senior Living

Elevate connections with senior living residents

Senior Living TVs
Elderly patient looking at a nurse in hospital ward

Post-Acute / Rehab

Engage patients with healing education & communications

Post-acute & Rehab

Siskin Rehab TAB19 w Nurse 9x7

Outpatient Surgery Centers

Educate patients consistently at your outpatient center



Mobile TV Carts

Wheel in a safe patient experience anywhere

Mobile TV Carts

Mobile Cart Image-709902-edited

OSHPD Certified (Now HCAi)

Leverage the only OSHPD approved arm TV system on the market

OSHPD Certified Solutions
p19 with nurse and patient LR

Laptops against globe blue illustration. Globalization concepts

Specifiers Love Working with PDi

Since we design and manufacture all of our products, specifiers and architects love working with us. Discover all the tools in the toolbox.

Design Toolbox

Discover what makes PDi the trusted provider for patient TV entertainment and education. 


CP A-Series In Hospital-small w new screen web 900x600


Televisions are present at every step of the patient experience

Choosing the right solution for your facility does not have to be difficult. We work with all departments in every type of facility. We can help you get started.

Request A Demo





Same Shirts MD CS LR


Our people are our difference.

We manufacture complete televisions, arms, arm mounts, and low-voltage power supplies. We plan and install the whole system, and integrate PDi smart software for your unique setup. Sometimes we even dress the same!

Request a demo to see how it all works.

Request A Demo

TwinsLandsc LR